
Personal Photography 2.0

I have been considering solutions to the data overload problem that I mentioned in my last post. For now, I will hold off on dealing with paper documents and the issue of multiple online content repositories. Concerning digital images, however, here is an example of what I would consider a highly optimized system which could be created using current technology.

The image capture device itself need not be any different than current digital cameras except in a single essential and several optional aspects. The essential aspect is wireless data transfer capability. As soon as a picture is taken (and perhaps pending a 5-20 second waiting period to allow for deletion of images locally that are not wanted), it should be transferred wirelessly and automatically through the internet to either a personal computer or, perhaps preferably, to a hosted server or service. The latter would likely be better since a hosted service would have a higher percentage of uptime (unless the individual has a very stable machine running with a UPS and their ISP never goes down). Now even at this point, before any of the "magical", i.e. extremely helpful and cool, elements come into play, a great benefit has been realized. Viz.:
  • If anything happens to the camera or memory stick while out, the data is preserved. From dropping a camera to the memory becoming corrupted, things can happen.
The camera and the memory stick are no longer single points of failure. The data captured will be preserved almost immediately after capture such that it cannot easily be lost.

In addition to this, however, one can imagine many other potential features that could be added to the system. The camera could be fitted with additional sensors, or additional data could be associated with the images captured. Normally, digital cameras simply associate the time of the shot with the file created. But the temperature, say, or weather conditions, or altitude, could also be added as metadata. This would allow for a more coherent whole of the events captured to be constructed later. Of greatest assistance, I think, would be GPS-based location data for each image. This could be incorporated into the wireless data transfer system added to the camera. In this way, a real "trip" could be reconstructed from the images, via a mashup with Google Maps, for instance.

The final elements of this system would be performed by the user's computer or the hosted service, for performance reasons. The simplest step at this point would be to display the images captured in a web portal, associated and organized by their metadata, time, location, etc. In this fashion, one could make images from a vacation or outing available while still out on the trip! And that without having to download them to a laptop and have internet access on it at the time. Or if one wished the images to be kept private, one would minimally already have a photo album waiting upon returning from the trip.

The more complicated, but also more interesting, step now would be to analyze the images for content and provide them with appropriate names. This could utilize preferences set by the user concerning the naming, length, title versus tags, etc. Automated image recognition technology has not been deployed for individual use in many capacities as of yet, but this feature would provide for great strides in personal organization. Instead of sorting through hundreds of images and coming up with names for them such that they can be searched, imagine an automated process which would scan the images, find and assign likely tags or titles, and organize the images into albums divided by topic or by location!

I currently lack the skill to implement the steps of this process, but this entire system could be realized based on presently-existing commercial technology.


Data Overload

Month by month, I have increasing difficulty with an overload of data. Case in point: I just purchased a digital camera for myself and Anna. It will be great to have a photo-record of our life at this time, trips we take, etc. But, getting that record is one thing (a rather simple thing with the amazing features of current digital cameras). Organizing that record into a form that is at all useful is quite another. We just finished a trip to visit my grandparents over Christmas (along with touring Williamsburg, VA and nearby historic sites), and came back with around 400 images. All dated and of great quality yes, but with useless names, and completely unorganized.

I imported them all onto my computer quickly, no longer worrying about storage space, as I have a relatively immense amount and can obtain more easily. Having gotten even this far is much better than nothing. But, I still need to rename all of the images to useful titles and organize them in folders thematically (or do so with an organizational program), to be near a point where I can repeatedly view and use those images with ease.

This is similar to the problem I face with the piles of papers and notebooks that I have collected over the years and now wish to digitize. Some of these contain thoughts and ideas that either I believe to still hold value in themselves, or which would minimally be instructive in developing an understanding of how my thought progressed to its current state. But to be such, I would need to normalize and order them.

Additionally, the same conundrum arises on an everyday basis, with an annoying additional issue. I now record thoughts and observations in a variety of digital locations, from Google Docs to Yahoo! Notebook, etc. These too must be unified and ordered to be of use. Now, however, that I fully recognize this problem, my thought is hampered by approaching its solution. I spend time thinking about how to better organize and catalog my records, and this takes away from the time I would otherwise spend thinking of and creating those records.

More on possible solutions next.