
Pythonic Discoveries, Part 2

While working on the feed parsing program, I wanted to display a numbered list. In C++, I would have used an incrementing variable and thought nothing of it. But I found this a little more complicated in Python. When I tried to simply set a variable and then display it along with an item in the list I was iterating through, I got an error that an int and a string cannot be concatenated. So I ended up doing it thus:

entrylist = []
for entry in current.entries:
bullet = 1
for x in entrylist:
print str(bullet) + "- " + x
I don't know if this was a bad hack, and if there is an easier way to do this, but it worked. It seem interesting that an increment operator is not built into Python.\


Anonymous said...

As you have discovered list comprehensions, your first for loop is more Pythonically expressed:

entrylist = [entry.title for entry in current.entries]

You've also found how to iterate over a list, but there is a builtin called enumerate that will let you iterate over a list, giving (index,item) pairs for each item (see also how to create output using string interpolation):

for bullet, x in enumerate(entrylist):
print "%d - %s" % (bullet,x)


by Immortal Curiosity said...

I actually didn't know you could setup for loops in the list creation. It is much more elegant.

enumerate was indeed the function I was looking for. I foolishly said there was no iteration built into Python based on the searching I had done for a related function online.

Thanks for the help!