
More Efficient Transportation

I considered recently, while sitting in traffic backed-up from a toll bridge, how a system could be implemented to solve such bottlenecks. It would be much preferable to have a national system of automatic tolls. Instead of having people sitting in booths taking cash, readers could be placed in such lanes, identical or similar to those in place for the "fast lanes" at tolls. Stickers with barcodes (or the equivalent patterns) could be distributed to every car owner via a national distribution, allowing for uniformaity and a better selection of unique identifiers.

Local governments could still be given the option to opt-in or not, setting their own timetable for integration, but the data would be prepared. The readers may be expensive, as well as the maintenance fee that should be charged to allow for participation in the program, but it seems the cost would definitely be less than maintaining a human workforce at the tolls.

Such a system would be far faster from the beginning, reduce traffic volume at such common chokepoints greatly, thus decreasing the likelihood for accidents, not to mention reducing the frustration of drivers greatly.

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